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Should your Grandma be Aura’s next influencer?

Do it for the Gram Contest

Submit Your Grandma To Be Aura’s Next Influencer

At Aura, we’re all about sharing our most cherished memories and letting yesterday inspire today. For Mother’s Day this year, we’re celebrating the matriarch of the family, the one that holds family memories, and the one that spoils us the most: Grandma.

Give Grandma the gift of a new special memory this year and make your grandma an Aura influencer for Mother’s Day with our Grams on Gram contest! Submit your most cherished moments of your grandma alongside her unique story for the chance to win $5,000, Aura Frames for the family, and a glamorous photoshoot just for grandma. You’ll be able to keep the photos to display on your frames, and the photoshoot content will also be featured on Aura’s website, social media, and email newsletter.

Is there someone in your life who may not be a blood relative but provides you that quintessential grandmotherly love and generosity? Any and all grandmother figures are open to nominations.

Grandmothers are the ultimate influencers - they're the voice of the past and role models of the present, so let's celebrate the women that continuously shape our lives by giving them a memory they'll never forget.

Contest Rules

Prize Details

Grand prize winner receive:

  • $5,000
  • Three Aura frames for grandma and your family.
  • A professional photo shoot.
  • Your grandma's story and photos featured on Aura's Instagram, website, email, and blog.

Second prize winners receive:

  • $2,500
  • Three Aura frames for grandma and your family.
  • Your grandma's story and photos featured on Aura's Instagram, website, email, and blog.

Third prize winners receive:

  • Six Aura frames for grandma and your family.
  • Your grandma's story and photos featured on Aura's Instagram, website, email, and blog.
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